
The Braille Authority of New Zealand Aotearoa Trust (BANZAT) was set up in August 2010.

BANZAT's purpose is to set standards and to make rulings on Braille code usage within New Zealand, maintain awareness and consistency with current international developments in all Braille codes, accredit practitioners involved in Braille production, promote Braille as the prime literacy medium for blind people and promote best practice in teaching, acquisition and distribution of Braille. Information about the history of Braille in New Zealand is available here.

Braille: Drop My Hand and Spell!

Mary Schnackenberg writes: Today we celebrate World Braille Day on the birthday of Louis Braille. As a lifelong Braille reader I find myself defending literacy through Braille very often. Surely, people tell me, with today's technology Braille is not needed! And I am frequently told today's society does not care they can't spell. Oh really! … Read more

Show Your Knowledge of Braille and Your Commitment to Accuracy and Standards

Trans-Tasman Certificate of Proficiency in Unified English Braille Jointly administered by The Braille Authority of New Zealand Aotearoa Trust and The Australian Braille Authority 2024 Invitation Closing Date: Friday, 30 August 2024 Attention Braille users and professionals: You are warmly invited to apply to sit the Trans-Tasman Certificate of Proficiency in Unified English Braille. All … Read more

Does Braille Matter to You, Now and Into the Future?

Do you want to serve as a trustee on The Braille Authority of New Zealand Aotearoa Trust? Are you able to read uncontracted Braille by touch or by sight? Are you interested in Braille promotion, teaching, codes, and production? Are you able to attend usually four meetings per year with travel costs met? Are you … Read more

ICEB General Assembly Programme Updated

A number of changes and additions have been made to the programme of the ICEB General Assembly. People are urged to look through the latest programme to stay right up to date with developments.